
Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Fabric Refresh - Spooky 'n Sweeter by Art Gallery Fabrics

Happy Friday and Happy (almost) Halloween!  I'll admit that I have a strange relationship with Halloween.  I don't like Halloween parties or dressing up, but I love Halloween fabric and quilts! 

One of my favorite Halloween collections this year is Spooky 'n Sweeter by Art Gallery Fabrics.  I decided to feature this fabric for a Halloween edition of Friday Fabric Refresh.  Let's get started!

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  I may receive a commission if you click a link and make a purchase. 


Stay Square

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Fabric Refresh - Ruby Star Society's Heirloom

Happy Friday!  Have you seen the Heirloom collection by Alexia Marcelle Abegg for Ruby Star Society?  I have been anxiously awaiting this collection for months!  I had two new patterns that I planned to make with Heirloom.  Neither of those happened (story of my life this year!) but I have the fabric so I'll make something eventually!  In the meantime, I'll just have to daydream about all of the quilts I would love to make with this fabric.  I'm sharing some of my favorites today for Friday Fabric Refresh!


Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday Fabric Refresh - Stay Square

Happy Friday!  Did you see the new pattern that I released yesterday?  If not, you'll definitely want to check out my previous posts all about Stay Square here and here.

Of course, it's always fun to see quilt patterns in different fabrics so today I'm featuring Stay Square for this edition of Fabric Friday Refresh.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Lella Boutique Christmas Morning Stay Square Quilt

I’m sharing another Stay Square quilt with you!  I have never met a Christmas quilt that I didn't like.  This Stay Square quilt in Christmas Morning by Lella Boutique is no exception!



Stay Square Quilt in Ruby Star Society's Stay Gold

My latest pattern Stay Square is now available in my shop!  I'm so excited to finally share this quilt with you!  



I’ve had this quilt finished for a bit but delayed putting the finishing touches on the pattern so that I could get my Log Jam jelly roll pattern released during National Sew a Jelly Roll Day last month.

But September is over now and what better way to start off a new month than with a brand new pattern!  

Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Fabric Refresh - Cozy Up

Happy Friday!  Have you seen the Cozy Up collection by Corey Yoder?  If you love fall, you will absolutely fall in love with this fabric!  Cozy Up began showing up in shops in the past week but I have a feeling it will go fast!  Don't wait if you want to get your hands on some.  

This week I am refreshing some of my patters in Cozy Up and I can't wait to show you!